2023 Safest Company Award Nomination

Safety Award Nomination

General Company Information

Company Address
Company Address

Safety Performance

Is your firm self-insured for workers compensation claims?

OSHA Data - reference OSHA forms 300A from the selected years

Number of Fatalities
Number of Lost Work Day Cases
Number of Job Transfer or Restricted Work Day Cases
Number of Other Recordable Cases
Number of Days Away From Work
Total hours worked by all employees last year
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
Lost Work Day Case Rate
Days Away, Restrictions, or Transfers Rate (DART)

Safety Policies, Programs, and Procedures

Has your company been cited by OSHA in the past three years?
Does your safety and health program contain the following?:
Affirmative Action Plan
Confined Space Entry Program (if applicable)
Disciplinary Program
Do you have a vehicle?
Fall Protection Program
Hazard Communication Program
Hazard Recognition and Control
Does your company conduct a Job Safety/Hazard Analysis before each work shift/task?
If yes, are they written and recorded for your records as well as reviewed by management?
Hearing Conservation Program (if applicable)
Do you have highly hazardous chemicals at your facility?
Injury and Illness Reporting
Lockout/Tagout Program
Management Commitment Statement
Personal Protective Equipment Program (PPE)
Proper Portable Electrical/Power Tools Use
Pre-Employment Drug & Alcohol Screening
Random Reasonable Suspicion and Post Accident Drug Testing
Respiratory Protection Program
Substance Abuse Program
Does your company have an accident investigation procedure?
Does your company conduct site safety inspections?
Do you have a safety observation program for both management and hourly employees?
Do you have a safety committee?

Safety Training and Orientation Part 1

Do you have a safety orientation program for new hires?

Safety Training and Orientation Part 2

Do your training records include the following?:
Employee Name (identification)
Date of the Training
Name of the Trainer
Is the Trainer certified or qualified?
Method used to Verify Understanding
How do you verify that employee understands the training?
If you use aerial lifts and forklifts, are the operators currently certified?
Do you hold "toolbox" safety meetings?
Do you have a safety program for newly hired or promoted foremen/supervisors?

Safety Training & Orientation for Construction Companies

Is your company a construction company?

Safety Program

Fatality Disclosure

Please indicate whether your company - including all locations and contractors, etc. - experienced a work-related fatality in the last five years.*

Company Representative Information

By signing this application, I certify that all of the information on this application is correct and complete. I understand that any misrepresentation can result in disqualification. By signing below, I'm also confirming that my company is able to send at least one representative to the Florida Chamber Safety Council's Southeastern Conference on Safety, Health, and Sustainability to accept the award.
Additional Contact (Optional):
Silhouette of men working